Man Buried Alive For Four Days Rescued After Police Hear His Muffled Screams

A 62-year-old man who had been buried alive for four days was rescued after police heard his muffled cries for help coming from underground.

Officers in Moldova found the man as they were investigating after a 74-year-old woman was found dead by in her own home by a relative on Monday.

Police arrested a suspect in her death and, as they searched his home in the same village, heard cries for help from nearby.

They started digging and found the entrance to a makeshift grave where an 18-year-old man had locked up the elderly man.

Police footage released on Wednesday shows the man being pulled out. He was conscious and had a neck wound.

A 62-year-old man buried alive for four days was rescued after police in Ustia, Moldova heard his muffled cries for help coming from underground

The man, in his sixties, had been buried in a makeshift grave covered with soil

The man, in his sixties, had been buried in a makeshift grave covered with soil


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