Giving Back To Alma Mater: UNN Faculty Of Engineering 1985 Class Donates Three-Floor Building

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1985 Graduating Students of Faculty of Engineering (AGBEBI 85)  donated a three-floor building to the faculty.

This was contained in a press statement that was signed by Mr. Okechukwu Ugo (a Rtd Major General) and was made available to Newsmen in Nsukka on Tuesday.

According to the statement captioned; “Faculty of Engineering 1985 Class Endowment Building Testament to Gratitude, Resilience and Focus,” reads,

“In the heart of Eastern Region of Nigeria, lies the University of Nigeria Nsukka, where the pioneering vibrant pulse of education started with the promise of a greater tomorrow. This great citadel of learning has produced eminent scholars, administrators as well as other professionals including the 1985 Graduating Class of the Faculty of Engineering (otherwise dubbed AGBEBI 85 CLASS).

The Agbebi 85 Class has been blessed by the Almighty God to have produced top-notch engineers, managers, captains of industries, military top brass, and many more.

“It is in realization of these numerous blessings from above and in the spirit of giving a little back to our Alma Mater that the Class conceived the idea of donating a multipurpose three-floor edifice to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

The building is not merely a structure of bricks and mortar; it is woven with a committed passion, a beacon of progress, a symbol of hope, and a fortress of knowledge that will serve Engineering students and faculty of the University of Nigeria Nsukka for generations to come.

“These pale into insignificance compared to what the University of Nigeria Nsukka gave us (Agbebi 85) – this is our passion-driven gratitude to our great Alma Mater.This project commenced on 8th October 2020 with the ground-breaking ceremony performed by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof Charles Arinzechukwu Igwe. The ground-breaking ceremony signalled immediate mobilization by a Contractor who was carefully selected by the Class – Messrs Rojel Nig Ltd – who moved into the site and started the foundation works. Two Class members (Engrs Chidozie Eze and Christopher Odo) supervised the structure from inception to the end. They interfaced with the Contractor at every stage to ensure adherence to quality controls and specifications.

The building comprises three large classrooms on the ground floor and twelve lecturers’ offices on the first floor and an open (convertible) multipurpose hall on the last floor. There are adequate sanitary conveniences on each floor which have been professionally connected to standard sewage systems. The building has also been connected to constant water supply scheme and the university power supply grid. We appreciate the support and understanding of the 1979 Class in this regard as they provided the sewage and water supply schemes that now serve our two buildings.”

On the Motivation Behind the Edifice the state noted; “The motivation for erecting this edifice stems from a deep-seated belief in giving back to the source that ignited the transformative power of education which showed us the way.

Education remains the catalyst for change, the cornerstone of development, and the solid foundation upon which the future is built. Recognizing this, the benefactors envisioned a space that would not only facilitate learning but also inspire innovation, foster collaboration, and cultivate a sense of community and inclusiveness.

“In addition, reflecting a multifaceted approach to supporting education, this great 1985 Faculty of Engineering set came out to enhance academic excellence by providing top-notch facilities and faculties to elevate the university’s academic standing; support academic development and honor the heritage of restoration of human dignity in a cozy environment.”

On the features of the Building, said that the multipurpose structure is a marvel that engages thoughtful design, encompassing a plethora of features that cater to the diverse needs of students, lecturers and users.


“Class Room for the future: Equipped with modernity, the classrooms are designed to support a variety of teaching methodologies, from traditional lectures to interactive workshops and seminars. These dedicated spaces encourage students and faculty to engage in studies, research and development, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and intellectual self-discovery.

“Lecturers Office: The ergonomically designed administrative floor provides a centralized location for the faculty’s lecturers and assistants including administrative staff thereby streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency.

“Convertible Conference Hall: An adaptable conference hall at the top floor offers a venue for academic discourse, seminars, symposiums and events, connecting the university to the global and regional academic communities.

“Conclusion; The multipurpose classroom and office edifice is more than just a building; it is a pledge to the future, a commitment to the university, and a gift to humanity. It stands as a proud emblem of what can be achieved when visionaries dare to dream and when classmates come together in congruent support of a noble cause. As this edifice opens its doors to eager minds and ambitious hearts, it does so with the promise of nurturing the leaders of tomorrow starting today.

“In restoring the dignity of a man, the great sage Right Honorable Nnamdi Azikiwe – the progenitor of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, would say “Show the light and the people will find the way”.

“May the light and comfort offered by this building restore the dignity and intellectual prowess of the students, lecturers and users and contribute to restoring the prime position of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, amen,” the statement reads.

Reacting to the development, Prof. Emenike Ejiogu, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, UNN said, “we thank our alumni for their generosity despite these hard times. On behalf of the VC and students and faculty members, we pledge to put good use of the facilities provided in the building and make our alumni proud
by our output in research.

“We also urge the other alumni to emulate the spirit of giving back to the cradle of their success, UNN. All over the world, university alumni is the bedrock of support and one cannot take that for granted.

This year, the faculty of engineering will honour our alumni who has demonstrated commitment of improving our faculty infrastructures, during the 20th HMML that comes up in May 3/4th,” he said.

The Dean said further that the Honourable Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation, Engr. Prof. Joseph Terlumun Utsev, who is also an Alumni of the faculty will chair the 20th HMML lecture.

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