Why Do Married Men Suddenly Lose SEXUAL Interest In Their Wives

Married Men Suddenly Looses SEXUAL Interest In Their Wives is ruining homes and lives these days.

Once a couple has lived together for certain years, the tendencies of not being sexually attracted to each other is higher on he men said, mostly when the bother parties ate not putting in work to keep their sexual live alive.
Because, the closeness between them reduces. As in.. the man no longer sits with the wife to gist or even play non take her out. Meanwhile, you’ll still see the woman trying to bond and wanting her man to always be around her. why the man is more interested in other women. most men feels their wives are old that mindset alone can mess up anything’s

There isn’t a single reason why some husbands may lose interest in their wives after marriage, as each relationship is unique and complex. However, some common factors that can contribute to this issue include changes in communication, intimacy, and shared activities, as well as external stressors such as work, family, and financial pressures. It’s important for couples to openly communicate and work together to address any issues that may arise in their relationship. talk about everything, but if you have  a man who finds it difficult to talk and open up it might be difficult to fix.

In most cases, Men are usually project driven. This means that a man sees a different phases and situations in his life as a project. I.e get a new job, start earning 6 figures a year, move into a better apartment, get a girlfriend etc.

And most men don’t even know this, but that’s how they’re wired. Before marriage he sees his girlfriend/fiancée (future wife) as a project.

The project being “settle down”. And because we’re innately good at project driven tasks because that’s how we’ve been wired as a result of years of evolution i.e when our ancestors would literally leave the caves or houses with the project to go and hunt and bring home food for his family and village.

That’s why he’s very engaged during the courtship phase. The minute men marry, the woman (his new wife) stops being the “project” and the next project becomes the sustenance of his news family. So most times it’s unintentional.

Here’s how you can keep his interest…deal with him according to his biological make-up.

Quick segue, both men and women are made up of 4 components namely : physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. But the priority they each place on those areas differ between men and women. That placement in the respective order is what I loosely coin as “biological make-up”.

Now most men prioritise the following areas of their lives in this order;

1.) Physical – this means that beauty and sex will always attract him. You can keep him interested by making it a point of duty to always look your best when your with him, the same way you used to do when y’all used to date. And sex like 2 or 3 times a week. If he knows he’s always going to get some action regularly, he’d always be interested in you physically

2.) Mental – men prioritise this area because the development of this area increases the chances and skills his ability to provide for his family (which is his new project) is increased. Nowadays a lot of money is made with more brain power and less brawn power. And the more money he can make, the higher the security he can give his family.

Apart from making money, the other mental aspect men usually use is knowing about their hobbies and interests be it sports like golf or fishing, or cars. To keep his interest you can improve your self mentally and also learn about his hobbies (I’m not saying you should be an expert, but at least know enough to be able to hold a long form decent conversation on it)

3.) Spiritual – most men don’t prioritise this area because it usually does not fall under the 3 basic instincts of provide, protect & lead. But if he knows you’re praying for him and you wish him well and bring good energy & peace. Man would appreciate it.

4.) Emotional – every man’s most important emotional need is admiration. Admiration is the art of conveying respect, value and appreciation to a man.

When it comes to respect, you have to respect your husband the way he wants to be respected, not the way you think he should be respected. And respect him unconditionally even on days he may not behave in a respectable manner. Every husband wants to be respected unconditionally by his wife the same way every wife wants to be loved unconditionally by her husband especially on days she doesn’t behave lovable. This means no harsh words, or yelling at your husband.

You can convey value and appreciation to your husband by doing something as little as complimenting him. You’d be amazed how little men are complemented in society. Just by telling him he looks good when he’s about to step out for work is enough to make his day.

Another point to add here is that it would help if you spoke his love language. But the problem is most men are so emotionally under developed they don’t even know what their love languages are. So if on the off chance he knows and he’s told you, it’s a good point here to consistently speak his love language as you meet his emotional need for admiration.


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